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has found Gangadevi's words to be valid. Then again he has
explained the meanings of some peculiar words, without violating
any rules of grammar and etymology. Such are “ललाटिका” (1. 51),
“शयितानि” ( 5. 57 ), " जयकुञ्जरेन्द्रा: " ( 2. 19 ), "मेखलाकलाप:" ( 6. 2 ) ,
“अपदानम्” ( 2. 4) “संवर्मितभटम्” ( 4. 7), “आघाट: " ( 4. 8) and the like.
In the commentary the learned editor offers the meaning of
each word and explains the formation of the more stirking words.
At the same time towards the end of the comment on each he sums
up the intended, expressed and suggested meaning of the verse.
This method goes beyond that of Mallinatha. It offers enough
material for the average reader and for the scholar as well because
the commentary, like the text, turns out to be a veritable encyclo-
paedia. This is a magnificient achievement worthy of serious
attention by one and all.