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M. A., M. LITT., PH. D ,
Professor & Head,
Dept of English Studies.
University of Nagpur,
The Editor-Commentator Sri Pothukucchi Subrahmanya Sastri
Garu is a great scholar and poet. Well acquainted with the
traditional and modern approaches to literary and technical works
alike, and deeply versed in the varied branches of knowledge,
he has succeeded in presenting a difficult text with great clarity.
His exposition throws light on literature, grammar, poetics, phi-
losophy and history. This is a true compendium and the author
deserves our gratitude.
The commentary is very lucid and exhaustive. Words that
would give a lot of trouble to the normal reader are explained
always with reference to the context in which they appear. Thus
वारी is correctly explained as शृङ्खला. At the end of the
commentary on each verse the appropriate figure of speech is
stated and explained. The third verse of the second canto is
correctly interpreted as a case of utpreksha; and this reveals the
profound insight and the sure literary sense of the commentator.
Likewise 7.31 is interpreted as a case of Vishamalankara, along with
a stimulating and exhaustive exposition. The interpretation of the
figure in 1.3 is ably supported and defended. In these and similar
places, the commentator, Sri Pothukucchi Subrahmanya Sastri has
done the greatest service to the students of literature.
The commentator ably shows the versatile scholarship of the
poetess. In this he gathers together the relevant passages from
Manu, Kamandaka, Kavikalpalata and others. In this process