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यज्ञसेनस्य कामस्तु पाण्डवाय किरीटिने ।

दास्यामि कृष्णामिति वै न चैनं विवृणोति सः ॥

And Yajnasena's (Drupada's) desire was

that he should give Draupadi to Arjuna,

the son of Pandu; but he did not disclose

this desire.

दृढं धनुरथानम्यं कारयामास [भारत] ।

यन्त्रं वैहायसं चापि [राजन् ] लक्ष्यं च काञ्चनम् ॥

He then caused to be made a firm

unbendable bow, a machine moving in the

air and a target in gold.

'इदं सज्यं धनुः कृत्वा सज्जैरेभिश्च सायकैः

अतीत्य लक्ष्यं यो वेद्धा स लब्धा मत्सुतामिति ॥'

इति स द्रुपदो राजा स्वयंवरमघोषयत् ॥

"Whosoever strings this bow and with

these arrows set ( thereon) pierces, through

the machine, the target, he shall obtain my

daughter"-thus did king Drupada announce

the Svayamvara.