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Making sure that they are quite unsus-

pecting, and asleep, and without fear from

any quarter, you must then set fire to the

house at the entrance."

स तथेति प्रतिज्ञाय सर्वं चक्रे पुरोचनः ।

पाण्डवास्तु कुरुन्वृद्धान् अभिवाद्य यतव्रताः।

सर्वा मातृस्तथाऽऽपृच्छय प्रययुर्वारणावतम् ॥

Promising to do So,
Puirochana did every-

thing. And the Pandavas, acting up to

their promises, saluted the Kuru-elders,

took leave of all their mothers, and went

to Varanavata.

विदुरः पाण्डवश्रेष्ठमिदं वचनमब्रवीत् ।

'कक्षघ्नः शिशिरघ्नश्च महाकक्षे विलौकसः ।

न दहेदिति चात्मानं यो रक्षति स जीवति ॥'

अनुशिक्ष्यानुगस्म्यैतान् विदुरः प्रययौ गृहान् ॥

Vidura spoke these words to Yudhis-

thira, the best of the Pandavas : "He

survives who protects himself knowing that

fire which burns wood and destroys frost