2023-08-02 15:43:33 by jayusudindra
This page has been fully proofread once and needs a second look.
Dhritarashtra reflected and then told
Duryodhana :
'धर्मनित्यस्तथा पाण्डुस्सुप्रीतो मयि कौरवः ।
तस्य पुत्
"That ever-righteous Pandu was so loving
towards me and his son, Yudhisthira is,
like Pandu, always righteous.
'गुणवान् लोकविख्यातो नगरे च प्रतिष्ठितः ।
स कथं शक्यतेऽस्माभि
Gifted, famed in the world and
established in the capital, how can that
excellent man, Yudhisthira, be removed from
his place by us?"
'पाण्डवेभ्यो भयं नस्स्यात् तान्विवासयतां भवान् ।
निपुणेनाभ्युपायेन नगरं वारणावतम् ॥
Duryodhana –
the Pandavas. Banish them to the city of
Varanavata by some clever device.