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'ते वयं पाण्डवज्येष्ठं तरुणं वृद्धशीलिनम् ।

अभिषिञ्चाम साध्वद्य सत्यकारुण्यवेदिनम् ' ॥

"We shall therefore fittingly crown now

the eldest of the Pandavas who is youthful

but experienced, truthful and compassionate."

तेषां दुर्योधनश्श्रुत्वा तानि वाक्यानि जल्पताम्।

ततो विरहितं दृष्टाट्वा पितरं प्रतिपूज्य सः ।

पौरानुरागसन्तप्तः पश्चादिदमभाषत ॥

Hearing the citizens speak those

words, Duryodhana metis father when he
was W

alone, paid his
respects and,

tormented by the citizens' love (for

Yudhisthira), spoke this :

'श्रुता मे जल्पतां तात पौराणामशिवा गिरः ।

त्वामनादृत्य भीष्मं च पतिमिच्छन्ति पाण्डवम् ॥

Father, unhappy words of citizens

talking have been heard by me. Slighting

you and Bhishma, they wish to have

Yudhisthira as ruler.

'मतमेतच्च भीष्मस्य न स राज्यं बुभुक्षति ।

अस्माकं तु परां पोपीडां चिकीर्षन्ति पुरे जनाः ॥