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"So, Arjuna, did Hari (Krishna), the lord
of all, tell Indra once (concerning you).
Therefore, equal to you or superior to you,
there will be none in the world except
Him ; seek Him for (thy ) protection."
तथेति च प्रतिज्ञाय द्रोणाय कुरुपुङ्गवः ।
उपसङ्गृह्य चरणौ युधिष्ठिरवशोऽभवत् ॥
Promising Drona that he would do so, the
best of the Kuru house, Arjuna, prostrated
at Drona's feet and placed himself under
the control of Yudhisthira.
न शशाक वशे कर्तुं यं पाण्डुरपि वीर्यवान् ।
सांऽर्जुनेन वशं नीतो राजाऽऽलीद्यवनाधिपः ॥
Arjuna subdued the king of the Yavanas
whom even the valorous Pandu could not
bring under control.
सुमित्रं नाम सौवीरमर्जुनोऽदमयच्छरैः ॥
With his arrows, Arjuna subdued the
Sauvira king named Sumitra.
भीमसेनसहायश्च रथानामयुतं च सः ।
अर्जुनस्समरे प्राच्यान् सर्वानेकरथोऽजयत् ॥