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' Arjuna' says one ; 'Karna' says another ;
'Duryodhana' says a third; so saying, the
people then departed.
दुर्योधनस्यापि तदा कर्णमास्थाय [पार्थिव] ।
भयमर्जुनसंप्राप्तं क्षिप्रमन्तरधीयत ॥
And obtaining then the support of Karna,
Duryodhana soon lost his fear of Arjuna.
धृतराष्ट्रस्तु] (राजेन्द्र यदा कौरवनन्दनम् ।
युधिष्ठिरं विजानन्वै समर्थ राज्यरक्षणे ।
यौवराज्याभिषेकार्थममन्त्रत मन्त्रिभिः ।
ते तु बुध्वाऽन्वतप्यन्त धृतराष्ट्रात्मजास्तदा ॥
When, finding that Yudhisthira, the sun of
Pandu (of the Kuru line), was capable of
protecting the State, Dhritarashtra took
counsel with his ministers for his installation as
heir-apparent, the sons of Dhritarashtra,
coming to know of this, burnt (with envy).
ततस्संवत्सरस्यान्ते यौवराज्याय [पार्थिव] ।
स्थापितो धृतराष्ट्रेण पाण्डुपुत्रो युधिष्ठिरः ॥
Then at the end of a year, Yudhisthira, the
son of Pandu, was established as heir-apparent
by Dhritarashtra.