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Looking round the amphitheatre, that
Karna of mighty arm made a bow, as if
not very respectfully, to Drona and Kripa.
स समाजजनस्सर्वो निश्चलरिस्थरलोचनः ।
कोऽयमित्यागतक्षोभः कौतूहलपरोऽभवत् ॥
All the people assembled there became
motionless, looking steadfast, excited to
know who he was and full of curiosity.
सोऽब्रवीन्मेघगम्भीरस्वरेण वदतां वरः ।
'पार्थ यत्ते कृतं कर्म विशेषवदहं ततः ।
करिष्ये पश्यतां नॄणां माऽऽत्मना विस्मयं गमः ॥
That excellent speaker, Karna, said in
a voice deep as thunder :
" Arjuna! that
which you
have done, I shall do better
before these men ; pride not thyself."
असमाप्ते ततस्तस्य वचने [वदतां वर] ।
यन्त्रोत्क्षिप्त इवोत्तस्थौ क्षिप्रं वै सर्वतो जनः ॥
Then, before Karna's speech was finished,
the people around rose up suddenly, as if
flung upwards by a machine.