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to be killed by the ambidexterous Arjuna.
And I do not desire to stay here ; I
tell you in truth, my heaven is there
where they are; I do not regard this
as heaven."
'यदि वै तत्र ते श्रद्धा गम्यतां तत्र मा चिरम् ।'
इत्युक्त्वा तं ततो देवा देवदूतमुपादिशन् ।
युधिष्ठिरस्य सुहृदो दर्शयेति [परन्तप] ॥
If you have a strong desire for that
are, go there ;
So saying to
Yudhisthira, the gods then
commissioned a
divine messenger to show Yudhisthira his
ततः कुन्तीसुतो राजा देवदूतच जग्मतुः ।
पन्थानमशुभं दुर्ग सेवितं पापकर्मभिः ॥
Then king Yudhisthira and the messenger
of the gods walked the inauspicious and
impassable path (of hell), taken by
the sinful.
place where your brothers
let there be no delay."
ददर्श चापि कौन्तेयो यातनाः पापकर्मिणाम् ॥
And Yudhisthira witnessed (there) the
tortures of the sinful.