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तद्धर्मराजस्य बचो निशम्य
धर्मस्वरूपी भगवानुवाच ॥
On hearing those words of Yudhisthira,
God Dharma spoke :
अभिजातोऽसि राजेन्द्र पितुर्वृत्तेन मेधया ।
अनुक्रोशेन चानेन सर्वभूतेषु [भारत] ॥
King of kings! You are a worthy son
of your father (Dharma), by your conduct,
wisdom and this kindness towards
all beings.
'पुरा द्वैतवने चासि मया पुत्र परीक्षितः ।
मात्रोस्साम्यमभीप्सन्चै नकुलं जीवमिच्छसि ॥
अयं श्वा भक्त इत्येवं त्यक्तो देवरथस्त्वया ।
तस्मात्स्वर्गे न ते तुल्यः कश्चिदस्ति नराधिपः ॥
"My son, you were tested by me
before in the Dvaita forest and, desiring
to secure equality between your mother
and step-mother, you wished there that
Nakula might come to life. (Now), you