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॥ अथ आश्रमवासिकपर्व ॥
प्राप्य राज्यं महात्मानः पाण्डवा हतशत्रवः ।
धृतराष्ट्र पुरस्कृत्य पृथिवीं पर्यपालयन् ॥
Having obtained the kingdom, the high-
souled Pandavas, who had killed their
enemies, protected the world, with Dhrita-
rashtra as their head.
ततः पञ्चदशे वर्षे समतीते [नराधिपः] ।
राजा निवेदमा पेदे वनवासे कृतक्षणः ।
गान्धारीसहितो धीमान् निर्ययौ भवनात्ततः ॥
Then, after the fifteenth year had
passed, the wise king (Dhritarashtra ) felt a
disgust (for life in the palace) ; and,
waiting for the
proper time
into the forests, he then
along with Gandhari.
to retire
left the palace,