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अभीशून्प्रतिजग्राह स्वयं कुरुपतिस्तदा ।

उपारुह्यार्जुनश्चापि चामव्यजनं शुभम् ।

दधार भीमश्छत्रं तच्चामव्यजने सिते ।

नकुलस्सहदेवश्च धूयमानौ जनार्दनम् ॥

On that occasion, the Kuru king,

Yudhisthira, himself took hold of the

reins (of the horses of Krishna's chariot) ;

getting into the chariot, Arjuna took a

beautiful chowrie; EBhima held Krishna's

umbrella and Nakula and Sahadeva also

attended upon Krishna, waving two white


त्रियोजने व्यतीते तु परिष्वज्य च पाण्डवान् ।

विसृज्य कृष्णस्तान्सर्वान्प्रणतान्द्वारकां ययौ ॥

When they had crossed three yojanas,*

Krishna embraced the Pandavas, gave leave

to all of them who had bowed to Him,

and went to Dvaraka.

* A yojana is about nine miles.