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'जायमानांश्च संप्रेक्ष्य म्रियमाणांस्तथैव च ।
न संवेगोऽस्ति चेत्पुंसः काष्ठलोष्टसमो हि सः ॥
Seeing so well those who are being
born and those who are, in the same
manner, dying, if a man is not violently
disturbed, he is verily equal to a piece of
wood or a lump of clay.
' उपायोऽयं परप्राप्तौ परमः परिकीर्तितः ।
नारायणस्यानुध्यानमचनं यजनं स्तुतिः ॥
"This has been described as the best
means of attaining the summum bonum,-
the continuous meditation of Lord
Narayana, worshipping
Him, making
offerings to Him and singing His praises,
'जगत्प्रभुं देवदेवमनन्तं पुरुषोत्तमम् ।
स्तुवन्नामसहस्रेण सर्वदुःखातिगो भवेत् ॥
Singing the praise of the Lord of
the universe, the God of gods, the
Infinite and Supreme Being with His
thousand names, one surmounts all misery.