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'न तृप्तिः प्रियलाभेऽस्ति तृष्णा नाद्भिः प्रशाम्यति ।

संप्रज्वलति सा भूयः समिद्भिरिव पावकः ॥

"There is no contentment when the

dear object is attained ; ( the fire of) greed

is not extinguished by the waters

(of objects realised) ; like fire by fuel, it

only blazes forth more.

'पुलाका इव धान्येषु पुत्तिका इव पक्षिषु ।

तद्विधास्ते मनुष्येषु येषां धर्मो न कारणम् ॥

"Like chaff among the grains and gnats

among the birds are those among men,

with whom Dharma is not the

motive force.

'सत्यं ब्रह्म तपस्सत्यं स्वर्गं सत्येन गच्छति ।

अनृतं तमसो रूपं तमसा नीयते ह्यधः ।

स्वर्गः : प्रकाश इत्याहुर्नरकं तम एव च ॥
goes to
False -

"Truth is the Godhead, truth is penance;

one goes to heaven
by truth.
False -
hood is of the form of darkness; by

darkness, one is taken down. Heaven,

they say, is light, and hell, darkness.