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सर्वेषामनुरूपाश्च कृता द्वारा [महीपते] ।

दुश्शलां चापि समये धृतराष्ट्रो नराधिपः ।

जयद्रथाय प्रददौ विधिना [भरतर्षभ] ॥

And, wives suitable to all of them, were

married. In the proper time, and in the

manner prescribed, king Dhritarashtra gave

his daughter Dussala in marriage to

Jayadratha (the king of the Sindhus).

जाते बलवतां श्रेष्ठे पाण्डुश्चिन्तापरोऽभवत् ।

कथमन्यो मम सुतो लोके श्रेष्ठो भवेदिति ॥

After that greatest of the strong,

( Bhima ), had been born, Pandu began to

think of how there might be for him

another son who would be the greatest

person in the world.

ततः पाण्डुर्महाराजो मन्त्रयित्वा महर्षिभिः ।

दिदेश कुन्त्याः कौरव्यो व्रतं सांवत्सरं शुभम् ॥

Consulting then the great sages, king

Pandu of the Kuru line directed Kunti to

observe an auspicious vow for a year.