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'रागो द्वेषस्तथा मोहो हर्षश्शोकोऽभिमानिता ।
क्रोधो दर्पश्च तन्द्री च परवृद्धथुपतापिता ।
अज्ञानमेतन्निर्दिष्ट पापानां चैव याः क्रियाः ॥
"Passion, hate, delusion, exhilaration,
dejection, conceit, anger, pride, laziness,
being pained at others' prosperity and
acts of sin — these are indicated as
constituting Ignorance.
दमेन सदृशं धर्म नान्यं लोकेषु शुश्रुम ।
क्षमा धृतिरहिंसा च समता सत्यमार्जवम् ।
इन्द्रियाभिजयो दाक्ष्यं मार्दवं हीरचापलम् ।
अकार्पण्यमसंरम्भस्सन्तोषः प्रियवादिता ।
अविहिंसाऽनसूया चाप्येषां समुदयो दमः ॥
"We have not heard in the entire universe
of another Dharma equal to self-control.
Forbearance, fortitude, non-injury, equani-
mity, truthfulness, straightforwardness, con-
quest of the senses, adeptness in the
discharge of one's duties, softness, a sense
of shame at doing what ought not to be
done, absence of fickleness, non-wretched.
ness, absence of flurry, contentment,