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" His own self must be conquered by

the king for all time; then only are his

enemies to be conquered.

"Adopting virtue and material good, he

should avoid passion and anger.

'अर्थमूलोऽपि हिंसां च कुरुते स्वयमात्मनः ।

करैरशास्त्रदृष्टैर्हि मोहात्संपीडयन्प्रजाः ॥

"Harassing the subjects in his ignorance

by taxes not found in the texts, and

motivated by Artha enly, the king does

harm to himself.

'कृपणानाथवृद्धानां विधवानां च योषिताम् ।

योगक्षेमं च वृत्ति वतिं च नित्यमेव प्रकल्पयेत् ॥

"The king should always make arrange-

ments for the security and maintenance of

the poor, the helpless, the old and the

widowed women.

'मा ते राष्ट्रे याचनका भवेयुर्मा च दस्यवः ॥

"Let there be no beggars and no thieves

in your kingdom.

'दुर्बलस्य च यच्चक्षुर्मुनेराशीविषस्य च ।

अविषह्यतमं मन्ये मा स्म दुर्बलमासदः ॥