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॥ अथ स्त्रीपर्व ॥


ततः प्रणादस्संजशेज्ञे सर्वेषु कुरुवेश्मसु ।

आकुमारं पुरं सर्वमभच्छोककर्शितम् ॥

Then arose the loud noise (of wailings)

in all the mansions of the Kauravas and

the whole city of Hastinapura, down to

the boys, became sorrow-stricken.

अदृष्टपूर्वा या नार्यः पुरा देवगणैरपि ।

ताभिः परिवृतो राजा रुदतीभिस्सहस्रशः ।

निर्ययौ नगराद्दीनस्तूर्णमायोधनं प्रति ॥

Surrounded by thousands of those

wailing women who had not been seen

before even by the gods, the dejected

king Dhritarashtra left in haste his city

for the battle-field.