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उवाच प्रश्रितं वाक्यं धृतराष्ट्रमरिन्दमः ।

'याचितस्त्वं शमं नित्यं न च तत्कृतवानसि ।

अस्पोऽव्प्यतिक्रमो नास्ति पाण्डवानां महात्मनाम् ।

कुलं पिण्डश्च तव वै पाण्डवेषु प्रतिष्ठितम् ।

शिवेन पाण्डवान्ध्याहि नमस्ते भरतर्षभ ॥'

Krishna, the subduer of his enemies,

said these words in modesty to Dhrita-

rashtra :
" You were begged every day

for peace and you did not make peace.

There has not been even a slight transgres-

sion on the part of the high-souled

Pandavas. The continuation of your family

and the offering of ancestral oblation to

you rest with the Pandavas. Look upon the

Pandavas with friendliness; my obeisance

to you, chief of the Bharatas ! "

उवाच परमं वाक्यं गान्धारीं शोककार्शिताम् ।

'धर्मार्थसहितं वाक्यमुभयोः पक्षयोर्हितम् ।

उक्तवत्यसि कल्याणि न च ते तनयैः कृतम् ॥

To Gandhari who was emaciated with

grief, Krishna said (these ) best words :