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अक्षौहिण्यस्समेतास्तु एकादश हताः [प्रभो]।
एको दुर्योधनो [ राजन् ] अदृश्यत भृशं क्षतः ॥
All the eleven Akshauhinis that had
collected (on Duryodhana's side) were killed ;
one solitary individual was seen (then),
Duryodhana, who was severely wounded.
अपयाने मनश्चक्रे विहीनबलवाहनः ।
गदामादाय तेजस्वी पदातिः प्रस्थितो हूदम् ॥
Bereft of army and conveyances, he made
up his mind to flee; taking his mace, the
powerful Duryodhana started on foot to
the (Dvaipayana) lake.
सस्मार वचनं क्षत्तुर्धर्मशीलस्य धीमतः ।
इदं नूनं महाप्राशो विदुरो दृष्टवान्पुरा ।
महद्वयसनमस्माकं क्षत्रियाणां च सर्वशः ।
एवं विचिन्तयानस्तु प्राविशत्तं महाहूदम् ॥
He thought of the words of the righteous
and wise Vidura. "This great disaster to
us and to all the Kshatriyas, surely
the very wise Vidura foresaw long ago."
So thinking, he entered the big lake.