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ततो भीमो महाबाहुरनीकेषु महागजम् ।

जघान गदया [राजन्] अश्वत्थामानमित्युत ।

भीमसेनस्तु सवीव्रीडमुपेत्य द्रोणमाहवे ।

अश्वत्थामा हत' इति शब्दमुच्चैश्चकार ह ॥

The mighty Bhima then killed with his

mace a big elephant in the army named

Asvatthaman and with a feeling of shame,

he approached Drona in the battle and

shouted : "Asvatthaman is killed."

शङ्कमानस्स तन्मिथ्या वीयंज्ञस्स्वसुतस्य वै ।

प्रादुश्चक्रे ततो द्रोणो ब्राह्ममस्त्रं परन्तपः ॥

Suspecting it to be a falsehood, knowing

as he did the valour of his son, Drona,

the tormentor of his enemies, brought

forth then the divine missile presided over

by Brahman.

ऋषयोऽभ्यागतास्तूर्णं हव्यवाहपुरोगमाः ।

त एनमब्रुवन्सर्वे द्रोणमाहवशोभिनम् ॥

With the god of fire at their head, the

sages came quickly and all of them said

to Drona shining in the battle: