2023-08-08 06:45:25 by jayusudindra
This page has been fully proofread once and needs a second look.
of them and deprived of his chariot; at that
time, Dussasana's son quickly struck him on
the head with his mace. That best among
men attained to heaven in this manner."
'ततोऽर्जुनो वचश्श्रुत्वा धर्मराजेन भाषितम् ।
उन्मत्त इव विप्रेक्षन्निदं वचनमब्रवीत् ॥
Hearing then these words spoken by
Yudhisthira, Arjuna said these words,
looking wildly like a mad man:
सत्यं वः प्रतिजानामि श्वोऽस्मि हन्ता जयद्रथम् ।'
" I swear in truth to you ; I will kill
Jayadratha to-morrow."
श्रुत्वा तु तं महाशब्
चारैः प्रवेदितस्त्रस्तस्समुत्थाय जयद्रथः ।
दुर्योधनेन सहितो द्रोणं रात्रावुपागमत् ॥
Informed by spies who had heard that
huge shout of the Pandavas who loved
their son (Abhimanyu), Jayadratha rose up
and, along with Duryodhana, came to
Drona in the night.