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॥ अथ द्रोणपर्व ।


अथाभिषिषिचुद्रणं दुर्योधनमुखाकृनृपाः ।

सैनापत्ये यथा स्कन्दं पुरा शक्रमुखासुराः ॥

Then, Duryodhana and the other kings

installed Drona in the office of generalissimo,

as Indra and the other gods installed god

Skanda of yore.

सेनापतित्व संप्राप्य भारद्वाजो महारथः ।

मध्ये सर्वस्य सैन्यस्य पुत्रं ते वाक्यमब्रवीत् ॥

Obtaining the post of the commander-in-

chief, the great warrior Drona said to

Duryodhana in the midst of the whole

army :