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Pleased with him, the ighteous Bhishma
told Arjuna: "My body seems to be
burning; Arjuna, give me water."
सन्धाय च शरं दीप्तमभिमन्त्र्य स पाण्डवः ।
अविध्यत्पृथिवीं पार्थः पाइवें भीष्मस्य दक्षिणे ॥
उत्पपात ततो धारा वारिणो विमला शुभा ॥
Setting a bright arrow on the string
and charging it with incantation, Arjuna
pierced the ground on Bhishma's right.
From there, gushed forth a pure jet
of water.
तृप्तश्शान्तनवश्चापि [राजन्] बीभत्सुमब्रवीत् ।
सर्वपार्थिववीराणां सन्निधौ पूजयन्निव ॥
Seeming to honour Arjuna before all
those royal warriors, Bhishma, whose thirst
was quenched, said :
'दृष्टं दुर्योधनैतत्ते यथा पार्थेन धीमता ।
जलस्य धारा जनिता शीतस्यामृतगन्धिनः ॥
" Duryodhana, you saw how a jet of
cool and nectar-like water was created by
the intelligent Arjuna!