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AHs if laughing at those kings, that
greatest of men, Bhishma, said to
As if laughing at those kings, that
greatest of men, Bhishma, said to A
rjuna :

'You of mighty arms! my son ! my head

droops; let such a rest as you think

proper be given (to my head)."

फल्गुनोऽपि त्रिभिस्तीक्ष्णैरुदगृह्णाच्छिरश्शरैः॥

And Arjuna propped up his head with

three sharp arrows.

नुतुष्यद्भरतश्रेष्ठस्सर्वावांस्तानब्रवीद्वचः ।

'पश्यध्वमुपधानं मे पाण्डवेनाभिसन्धितम् ।

शयेयमस्यां शय्यायां यावदावर्तनं रवेः ।

ये तदा धारयिष्यन्ति ते च प्रेक्ष्यन्ति मां नृपाः॥'

Bhishma, the greatest of the Bharatas,

was satisfied, and he said to all of them :

"Kings, see the pillow designed for me

by Arjuna. I will be lying in this bed

till the sun turns northward from the

south. Those who will be alive at that

time shall see me."

अभ्यभाषत धर्मात्मा भीष्मः प्रीतो धनञ्जयम् ।

'दह्यतीव शरीरं मे प्रयच्छापो ममार्जन' ॥