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शिखण्डी तु रणे भीष्ममाजघान स्तनान्तरे ।

शिखण्डिनं तु गाङ्गेयः क्रोधदीप्तेन चक्षुषा ।

संप्रेरैक्षत कटाक्षेण निर्दहन्निव [भारत] ॥

स्त्रीत्वं तस्य स्मरन् [राजन् ] सर्वलोकस्य पश्यतः ।

नाजघान रणे भीष्मस्स च तन्नावबुद्धवान् ॥

Sikhandi hit Bhishma on the chest. With

eyes flaming with anger, Bhishma stared at

him a little, as if burning him. Remembering

that Sikhandi had been a woman, Bhishma

did not strike him, even as the whole world

was watching. And Sikhandi knew this not.

ततः प्रहस्य बीभत्सुस्तथा मर्मस्वताडयत् ।

शिखण्डी तु रणे बाणान्व्यामुमोच महारथः ॥

Laughing, Arjuna then hit Bhishma at

the mortal spots. And the warrior Sikhandi

also shot arrows in that encounter.

ततो दुश्शासनं भीष्मस्स्मयमान इवाब्रवीत् ।

'अर्जुनस्य इमे बाणा नेमे बाणाश्शिखण्डिनः ।

कृन्तन्ति मम गात्राणि माघमां सेगवा इव ॥'

Smiling a little, Bhishma said to Dussasana

at that time : "These are Arjuna's arrows;

these are not Sikhandi's arrows; they

tear my limbs, like the young crabs

their mother."