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ततो धनञ्जयं दृष्ट्रा बाणगाण्डीवधारिणम् ।
पुनरेव महानादं व्यसृजन्त महारथाः ॥
Then, seeing Arjuna taking up the
arrows and his Gandiva bow, the warriors
sent a peal again.
ततो युधिष्ठिरो दृष्ट्वा युद्धाय समवस्थिते ।
सेने विमुच्य कवचं वीरो निक्षिप्य च वरायुधम्
अवरुह्य स्थात्क्षिप्रं पद्भ्यामेव कृताञ्जलिः ।
भीष्ममेवाभ्ययात्तूर्ण भ्रातृभिः परिवारितः ॥
Seeing then those two rmies standing
ready for fighting, the heroic Yudhisthira
laid down his armour and excellent arms,
descended from his chariot quickly and
with folded arms and surrounded by his.
brothers, hastened on foot to Bhishma.
तमुवाच ततः पादौ कराभ्यां पीडय पाण्डवः ।
'आमन्त्रये त्वां दुर्धर्ष त्वया योत्स्यामहे वयम् ।
अनुजानीहि मां तात आशिषश्च प्रयोजय ॥'
Holding Bhishma's feet with his hands,
Yudhisthira told him : "Unassailable
warrior, I take your permission; we shall
fight with you; permit me, father, and
give (us) (your) blessings."