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'प्रज्ञयाऽभ्यधिकाञ्यून्शूरान्गुणयुक्तान्बहूनपि ।

जयन्त्यल्पतरा येन तन्निबोध विशांपते ॥


"King, hearken how the inferior conquer

even those who are superior in knowledge,

who are (greater) warriors, (more) endowed

with qualities and (greater) in numbers.

'न तथा बलवीर्याभ्यां जयन्ति विजिगीषवः ।

यथा सत्यानृशंस्याभ्यां धर्मेणैवोमेद्यन च ॥

"Those who desire victory achieve it not

so much by strength and valour as by their

(qualities of) truthfulness, benevolence, and

effort which is strictly righteous.

' त्यक्त्वाऽधर्मं तथा सर्वे धर्मं चोत्तममास्थिताः ।

युध्यध्वमनहङ्कारा यतो धर्मस्ततो जयः ॥

Avoiding Adharma and basing your-

selves on best Dharma, fight without

egoism; where Dharma is, there victory is