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"When the battle is fought and finished,
there shall be mutual friendship between
us. Those who have gone out of the ranks
shall never be killed. One mounted on a
chariot shall be fought by one on a chariot,
one on an elephant with an elephant, one
on a horse with a horse, and a footsoldier
only by a footsoldier. One engaged with
another, one inattentive, or disinclined to
fight or one who has turned away from the
field, one who has lost his weapons and
one without armour shall never be killed."
बृहवीं धार्तराष्ट्रस्य सेनां दृष्ट्वा समुद्यताम् ।
विषादमगमद्राजा विवर्णोऽर्जुनमब्रवीत् ॥
Seeing the huge army of Duryodhana
ready for the battle, king Yudhisthira
became sad and with a pale face, told
धनञ्जय कथं शक्यमस्माभिर्योद्धुमाहवे ।
घार्तराष्ट्रैर्महाबाहो येषां योद्धा पितामहः ॥'
Mighty Arjuna! how can we fight the
warriors on Dhritarashtra's side for whom
(our) grandfather, Bhishma, fights."