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तस्मिन्वाक्यान्तरे वाक्यं क्षत्ताऽपि विदुरोऽब्रवीत् ।
'दुर्योधन न शोचामि त्वामहं [भरतर्षभ] ।
इमौ तु वृद्धौ शोचामि गान्धारीं पितरं च ते ॥
At the end of this speech, Vidura
also said : 'Duryodhana, I do not grieve
for you; but I grieve for these two old
persons, Gandhari and your father.
भिक्षुकौ विचरिष्येते शोचन्तौ पृथिवीमिमाम् ।
कुलनमीदृशं पापं जनयित्वा कुपूरुषम् ॥'
"Having begot such a sinful and
bad person who destroys his own family,
those two will wander in this world in
sorrow as mendicants."
अथ दुर्योधनं राजा धृतराष्ट्रोऽभ्यभाषत ।
• शमं चेद्याचमानं त्वं प्रत्याख्यास्यसि केशवम् ।
त्वदर्थमभिजल्पन्तं न तवास्त्यपराभवः ॥
Then, king Dhritarashtra addressed
Duryodhana : " If you repudiate Krishna
who begs for peace and speaks for your
good, defeat is certain for you."