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ततश्शान्तनवो भीष्मः प्रोवाच [भरतर्षभ] ।
'कृष्णेन वाक्यमुक्तोऽसि सुहृदां शममिच्छता ॥
Bhishma then spoke : (Duryodhana !)
Krishna, who wishes peace to his friends,
has spoken to you.
अकृत्वा वचनं तात न कल्याणमवाप्स्वसि ।
मातरं पितरं चैव मा मज्जीश्शोकसागरे ॥'
"My dear son, if you fail to act according
Krishna's words, you will have no
welfare. Do not immerse
your mother
and father in the ocean of sorrow."
अथ द्रोणोऽब्रवीत्तत्र दुर्योधनमिदं वचः ।
'एतच्चैव मतं सत्यं सुहृदोः कृष्णभीष्मयोः ।
यदि नादास्यसे तात पश्चात्तप्स्यसि [भारत] ॥'
Then Drona said in that assembly these
words to Duryodhana : "Dear Duryodhana,
if you do not abide by this truthful view
of your friends, Krishna and Bhishma, you
will repent afterwards."