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अभ्यागच्छति दाशार्हे प्रशाज्ञाचक्षुः [नरेश्वर] ।

सहैव द्रोणभीष्माभ्यामुदतिष्ठन्महायशाः ॥

तानि राजसहस्राणि समुत्तस्थुस्समन्ततः ॥

When Krishna was coming, the blind

Dhritarashtra of great renown, rose up

along with Drona and Bhishma; all around,

those thousands of kings ( present there),

arose also.

निषसादासने कृष्णो राजानश्च यथासनम् ।

अविदूरे तु कृष्णस्य कर्णदुर्योधनावुभौ ।

एकासने महात्मानौ निषीदतुरमर्षणौ ॥

Krishna took his seat and the kings sat

in their respective seats; and not far

away from Krishna, those two great

men, the bad-tempered Karna and

Duryodhana, sat on one seat.

संस्पृशन्नासनं शौरेर्महामतिरूपाविशत् ॥

Touching the seat of Krishna, the wise

Vidura sat down.

ततस्तूष्णीं सर्वमासीद्गोविन्दगतमानसम् ॥

All was silent then, all minds being

on Krishna.