2023-08-06 15:59:30 by jayusudindra
This page has been fully proofread once and needs a second look.
'हिते प्रयतमानं मां शङ्केद्दुर्योधनो यदि ।
हृदयस्य च मे प्रीतिर्गच्छेयं नृष्ववाच्यताम् ॥
"If Duryodhana should misunderstand
me who am striving for good, there will
enly be satisfaction to my heart; I will
become blameless in the eyes of the public.
'मम धर्मार्थयुक्तं हि श्रुत्वा वाक्यमनामयम् ।
न चेदादास्यते बालो दिष्टस्य वशमेष्यति ॥'
"If, hearing my wholesome words having
Dharma as well as material good in them,
the boyish Duryodhana will not accept
( them ), he will fall a prey to Fate."
तथा कथयतोरेव सा व्यतीयाय शर्वरी ।
ततश्चादित्यमुद्यन्तमुपातिष्ठत माधवः ।
महेन्द्रसदनप्रख्यां प्रविवेश सभां ततः ॥
Even as they were talking in this
the night passed away.
then Krishna worshipped the rising sun
and entered the court hall,
abode of the great Indra.