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तत आश्वासयामास पुत्राधिभिरभिप्लुताम् ।

पृथामा मन्त्र्य गोविन्दः कृत्वा चाभिप्रदक्षिणम् ।

दुर्योधनगृहं शौरिरभ्यगच्छदरिन्दमः ॥

Krishna then consoled Kunti, who was

overwhelmed with the agonies suffered

by her sons; taking leave of her, and

going round her, Krishna, the subduer

of enemies, went to Duroyodhana's abode.

अभ्यागच्छति दाशार्हे धार्तराष्ट्रो महायशाः ।

उदतिष्ठत्सद्दाहामात्यः पूजयन्मधुसूदनम् ॥

As Krishna was coming, the renowned

Duryodhana rose up along with his

ministers, and offered him worship.

न्यमन्त्रय द्भोजनेन नाभ्यनन्दच्च केशवः ॥

He invited Krishna to dinner and

Krishna did not comply.


संप्रीतिभोज्यान्यन्नानि आपद्धोभोज्यानि वा पुनः।

न च संप्रीयसे राजन् न चैवापद्ता वयम् ॥