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" After saluting, our grandfather, Bhishma,

must be told this :
Grandfather, act

according to your view
in such a manner
in such a manner
that your grandsons may live in mutual


' तथैव विदुरं ब्रूयाः कुरूणां मन्त्रधारिणम् ॥

"In the same manner, you shall speak

to Vidura, the counsellor of the Kauravas."

'अथ दुर्योधनं ब्रूया अनुनीय पुनः पुनः ॥

"Then shall you tell Duryodhana, con-

ciliating him again and again :

"यन्नः प्रव्राजयेस्सौम्य अजिनैः प्रतिवासितान् ।

यत्कुन्तीं समतिक्रम्य कृष्णां केशेष्वधर्षयत् ।

दुःशासनस्तेऽनुमते तच्चास्माभिरुपेक्षितम् ॥

' Good man, that you sent us clad in

skins into exile, that, ignoring Kunti

( our mother ), Dussasana, with your permis-

sion, insulted Draupadi by dragging her

by the hair,-these have been endured

by us..