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ततोऽन्तरिक्षेऽप्सरसो देवास्सर्षिगणास्तदा ।

अभ्यवर्षन्त कुसुमैः भीष्मोऽयमिति चाब्रुवन् ॥

From heaven at that time, the celestial

damsels, the gods and the assemblage of

sages showered flowers and
said :

man is Bhishma —the terrible one."

अधिरोह रथं मातर्गच्छावस्स्वगृहानिति ।

एवमुक्त्वा तु भीष्मस्तां रथमारोप्य मामिनीम् ।

आगम्य हास्तिनपुरं शान्तनोस्सन्न्यवेदयत् ॥

Mother, ascend the chariot, we shall

proceed to our mansion." Having said

so, Bhishma took her in the chariot,

reached Hastinapura and offered her

to Santanu.

स तेन कर्मणा सुसूनोः प्रीतस्तस्मै वरं ददौ ।

'त्वत्तो ह्यनुशांज्ञां संप्राप्य मृत्युः प्रभविताऽनघ ॥

Pleased with that act of his son,

Santanu gave him a boon : Impeccable

soul! only after obtaining your permission

shall Death prevail upon you."