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इतश्चेतश्च पाण्डूनां समाजग्मुर्महात्मनाम् ।

अक्षौहिण्यस्तु सप्तैव विविधध्वजसङ्कुलाः ॥

There came to the great
There came to the great P
andavas from

every quarter seven Akshauhinis* of armies,

thick with manifold banners.

कृतवर्मा च हार्दिक्यो दुर्योधनमुपागमत् ॥

Kritavarman (a Yadava chief),
son of
Hridika, joined Duryodhana.
son of

एवमेकादशावृत्तास्सेना दुर्योधनस्य ताः ॥

The armies which thus turned up for

Duryodhana were eleven Akshauhinis.

यस्स पाञ्चालराजेन प्रेषितः कौरवान्प्रति ।

सच कौरव्यमासाद्य पृष्ठाठ्वा चैवमनामयम् ।

सर्वसेनाप्रणेतॄणां मध्ये वाक्यमुवाच ह ॥

And he who was sent on embassy by

king Drupada to the Kauravas,-he reached

Dhritarashtra, and after enquiring of his

health, said these words in the midst of

all the generals :

* An Aksisuhlnt 18hauhini is an unit of army consisting of

21,870 elephants, 21,870 chariots, 65,610 horse and

1,09,850 foot.