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Duryodhana caused camp-pavilions to

be built for honouring him. At the time

when the overjoyed Salya was desiring to give

even his life, Duryodhana, who was hiding

there, showed himself to his uncle* ;

embracing him, Salya, who was pleased, said:

"Ask what you desire."

दुर्योधनः -

सर्वसेनाप्रणेता वै भवान् भवितुमर्हति ॥


You must be the commander of all

my forces."

कृतमित्यब्रवीच्छल्यः स तथाऽयात् स्वकं पुरम् ।

ततस्त्वामन्त्र्य कौन्तेयान् शल्यो मद्राधिपस्तदा ।

जगाम सबलइथ्श्श्रीमान् दुर्योधनम् [अरिन्दम] ॥

"Yes," said Salya; Duryodhana went

to his own city; then, taking leave of the

Pandavas, Salya, the flourishing king of the

Madras, went over to Duryodhana, along

with his army.

* Salya, king of the Madras, and brother of Madri,

was the maternal uncle of the Pandavas and thus,

indirectly, of Duryodhana also.