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धनञ्जयेनासि पुनर्वनाय
प्रवाजितस्समये तिष्ठ पार्थ ।
त्रयोदशे ह्येव किरीटमाली
संवत्सरे पाण्डवेयोऽद्यं दृष्टः ॥'
Yudhisthira, you have again been
banished to the forest through Arjuna ;
abide by the condition; even in the (course
of the) thirteenth year, Arjuna has been,
just now, found out."
ततोऽब्रवीद्धर्मसुतः प्रहस्य
'क्षिप्रं गत्वा ब्रूहि सुयोधनं तम् ।
पितामहश्शान्तनवो ब्रवीतु
पूर्णो न पूर्णोऽद्य त्रयोदशो नः ॥'
Yudhisthira then said laughing :
quick and tell that Duryodhana : Let our
grandfather Bhishma say whether our
thirteenth year is now completed or not.''
तेनैवमुक्तस्स निवृत्य दूतो
दुर्योधनं प्राप्य शशंस तत्त्वम् ॥
So told by Yudhisthira, the messenger
returned and reaching Duryodhana stated
the fact.