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After defeating the enemies and recovering
the cattle, the Pandavas spent that night in
happiness in the midst of the battle-field.
याते त्रिगर्तान्मात्स्ये तु पशुंस्तान्वै परीप्सति ।
सर्वे मत्स्यानुपागम्य गोधनं जहूरोजसा ।
कुरवो रथवंशेन परिगृह्य समन्ततः ॥
When the king of the Matsyas had (thus.)
gone to the Trigarta country, wishing to
regain the cattle, all the Kauravas came
upon the Matsya country and surrounding
with a number of chariots, carried away
the cattle by force.
गवाध्यक्षस्तु सन्त्रस्तो नृपवेश्माभ्ययात्ततः ।
दृष्ट्वा भूमिञ्जयं सर्वमाचष्ट्र पशुकर्षणम् ।
आरुह्य प्रययौ वीरः स बृहन्नलसारथिः ।
Alarmed, the chief of the shepherds then
went to the palace, and seeing Bhuminjaya,
(son of the Virata king), told him
all about the cattle-raid. That warrior,
Bhuminjaya, mounted (his chariot) and
sallied forth, with Brihannala as the