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'किन्नु हित्वा प्रियो भवति किन्नु हित्वा न शोचति ?

किन्नु हित्वाऽर्थवान्भवति किन्नु हित्वा सुखी भवेत् ?

Abandoning which, does man become

loveable ? Abandoning which, does man

not grieve? Abandoning which, does man

become rich? Abandoning which, will

man become happy ? "

'मानं हित्वा प्रियो भवति क्रोधं हित्वा न शोचति ।

कामं हित्वाऽर्थवान्भवति लोभं हित्वा सुखी भवेत् ॥'

Abandoning pride, man becomes love-

able; abandoning anger, he grieves not;

abandoning desire, he becomes rich;

abandoning avarice, he will become happy."

'तपः किं लक्षणं प्रोक्तं को दमश्च प्रकीर्तितः ?

क्षमा च का परा प्रोक्ता का च वीःह्रीः परिकीर्तिता ?

"How is Tapas defined? What is said

to be self-control? What is said to be the

greatest forbearance? And what is the

sense of shame said to be?"