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Nakula ran to where there was water
and approached it; then, as he was desirous
of drinking it, he heard an aerial voice.
यक्ष उवाच-
'मा तात साहसं कार्मम पूर्वपरिग्रहः ।
प्रश्नानुक्त्वा तु माद्रेय ततः पिब हरस्व च ॥'
A Yaksha said :
Son, commit not any rash act; (this
pond ) is already in my possession. Son of
Madri, having answered my questions, drink
and take water afterwards."
अनादृत्य तु तद्वाक्यं नकुलस्सुपिपासितः ।
अपिबच्छीतलं तोयं पीत्वा च निपपात ह ॥
Disregarding the Yaksha's words, the
very thirsty Nakula drank the cool water
and having drunk, fell down (dead).
सहदेवस्तथा तोयं पीत्वा च निपपात ह ।
सव्यसाची पिपासातः पीत्वैव निपपात छ ।
भीमोऽभ्यधावत्पानीयं पीत्वैष निपपात छ ।