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समेत्य पार्थेन यथैकरात्र-

मूषुस्समास्तत्र तथा चतस्रः ।

पूर्वाश्च षट् ता दश पाण्डवानां

शिवा बभूवुर्वसतां वनेषु ॥

With Arjuna, they lived there four years

in such a manner that they passed away

like a single night. For them who were

living in the forest, the six years they had

spent previously, and these four, making

ten together, passed weil.

यथागतेनैव पथा समग्रा

अतीत्य दुर्गे हिमवत्प्रदेशम् ।


संवत्सरं तत्र वने विजह्रुः ॥

Crossing back the impassable Himalayan

region along the same route by which

they went, all the Pandavas then reached

that part of the big mountain where the

Jumna has its source; and in the forest

there, they lived pleasantly for a year.