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"Not by Dharma and kindness, not

by forbearance, not by straightforwardness,

and never by being compassionate, does

a man attain prosperity in this world.

'तवेमामापदं दृष्टाट्वा समृद्धिं च सुयोधने ।

धातारं गर्हये पार्थ विषमं योऽनुपश्यति ॥ '

" Son of Kunti! seeing this calamity of

yours and the prosperity of Duryodhana, I

blame the Creator who views with partiality."


'नाहं धर्मफलाकांक्षी राजपुत्रि चराम्युत ।

धर्म एव मनः कृष्णे स्वभावाच्चैव मे धृतम् ।

न धर्मफलमाप्नोति यो धर्मं दोग्धुमिच्छति ॥


"Princess! I do not observe (Dharma),

expecting fruit out of it. By my very
nature, my mind is set on

nature, my mind is set on
Dharma only,

Draupadi. He who exploits Dharma

misses its true purpose.

'धर्म ए प्लवो नान्यस्स्वर्गं द्रौपदि गच्छताम् ।

ईश्वरं चापि भूतानां धातारं मा च वै क्षिप ॥'