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"If you are defeated by us, you shall,

along with Draupadi, live in the forests

for twelve years, clad in deerskin; also

the whole of the thirteenth year, unknown

to your kinsmen; and if you are discovered

you shall live in the forests for another

twelve years.

" With this resolve, play again, you scion

of Bharata."

एवं दैवबलाविष्टो धर्मराजो युधिष्ठिरः ।

भीष्मद्रोणाचार्यमाणो विदुरेण च धीमता ।

गान्धार्या पृथया चैव द्रौपद्या द्रौणिना तथा ।

वार्यमाणोऽपि सततं शकुनिं प्रत्यभाषत ।

एवं भवत्विति तदा ग्लहं जग्राह सौबलः ।

जितमित्येव शकुनिर्युधिष्ठिरमभाषत ॥

Possessed thus by the power of Fate,

Yudhisthira, though incessantly prevented

by Bhishma, Drona, the wise Vidura,

Gandhari, Kunti, Draupadi and Asvatthaman,

replied to Sakuni: "Be it so. At that

time, Sakuni took the dice and simply

told Yudhisthira : "Won."