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The Pandavas accompanied everyone of

those kings, as befitting them. Then,

Krishna left for the city of Dvaraka.

गतेषु क्षत्रियेन्द्रेषु सर्वेषु [भरतर्षभ] ।

पाण्डवेयाभ्यनुज्ञातस्ततो दुर्योधनो नृपः ।

अपहृष्टेन मनसा जगाम गजसाह्वयम् ॥

Then, after all the kings had gone, king

Duryodhana, given leave by Yudhisthira,

left for Hastinapura with a depressed mind.

पार्थान्सुमनसो दृष्ट्वा मन्दः क्रोधवशानुगः ।

पितरं प्रत्युवाचेदं स्वमर्तितिं संप्रकाशयन् ॥

Dull in spirits on seeing the Pandavas

happy, Duryodhana told his father, over-

powered by anger and disclosing his mind:

' न मां प्रीणाति मद्भुक्तं श्रियं दृष्टाठ्वा युधिष्ठिरे ।

शान्तितिं न परिगच्छामि दह्यमानेन चेतसा ॥'

Seeing Yudhisthira's prosperity, the

food I eat does not please me. I have no

peace, with a heart that is burning."