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Kripa, to all his brothers and also to those
who had love for Yudhisthira.
दीक्षितस्स तु धर्मात्मा धर्मराजो युधिष्ठिरः ।
जगाम यज्ञायतनं वृतो विप्रैस्सहस्रशः ।
भ्रातृभिर्ज्ञातिभिश्चैव धर्मो विग्रहवानिव ॥
Initiated, the righteous king Yudhisthira,
surrounded by thousands of Brahmins, his
brothers and kinsmen, went to the sacri-
ficial hall, looking verily like Dharma
ततो भीष्मश्शान्तनवो बुद्धधा निश्चित्य वीर्यवान्।
वार्ष्णेयं मन्यते कृष्णमर्हणीयतमं भुवि ॥
Then the mighty Bhishma, deciding
with his knowledge, considered Krishna as
the greatest of those fit to be worshipped
in the world.
'एष ह्येषां समस्तानां तेजोबलपराक्रमैः ।
मध्ये तपन्निवाभाति ज्योतिषामिव भास्करः ॥'