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'कच्चिदायस्य चार्धेन चतुर्भागेन वा पुनः ।
पादभागैस्त्रिभिर्वाऽपि व्ययस्संशुध्यते तव ॥
"Is your expenditure cleared with half
or quarter or three quarters
of your
income ?
कच्चिज्ज्ञातीन्गुरुन्वृद्धान् वणिजश्शिल्पिनश्श्रितान्।
अभीक्ष्णमनुगृह्णासि धनधान्येन दुर्गतान् ॥
"Do you frequently help with money
and grain kinsmen, teachers, old men,
merchants, artists and dependents who
are in distress?
'कञ्चिदर्थेषु संप्रौढान् हितकामाननुप्रियान् ।
नापकर्षसि कर्मभ्यः पूर्वमप्राप्य किल्बिषम् ॥
"Do you
refrain from removing from their
offices without previously finding mistake in
them those who are very efficient in their
works, who love your welfare and are
devoted ?
'कच्चिद्राष्ट्रे तटाकानि पूर्णानि च बृहन्ति च ।
भागशो विनिविष्टानि न कृषिर्देवमातृका ॥