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'कचिद्विनयसंपन्नः सत्कृतस्ते पुरोहितः ॥
"Is your priest, endowed with modesty,
honoured by you ?
'कच्चिद्वलस्य भक्तं च वेतनं च यथोचितम् ।
संप्राप्तकाले दातव्यं ददासि न विकर्षसि ॥
Do you give in time the
er rations
and pay that ought to be given to your
army, and not delay them?
'कच्चिद्विद्याविनीतांश्च नराञ्ञ्ज्ञानविशारदान् ।
यथार्ह गुणतश्चैव दानेनाभ्युपपद्यसे ।
"Do you help with gifts according to
their deserve and merits men who are
disciplined by learning and celebrated in
knowledge ?
कच्चिदारान्मनुष्याणां तवार्थे मृत्युमीयुषाम् ।
व्यसनं चाभ्युपेतानां बिभर्षि भरतर्षभ ।
"Distinguished scion of Bharata ! do
you maintain the wives of men who lay
down their lives and come to grief in
your cause ?